Acrylic White Extruded #2447 - 3/16" - Sign Grade

Copper Crest by Kirin Global Supplies

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Acrylic is a useful, clear plastic that resembles glass, but has properties that make it superior to glass in many ways. Common brands of high-grade acrylic include Polycast, Lucite and Plexiglass. There are two basic types of acrylic: extruded and cell cast. Extruded or "continuous cast" acrylic is made by a less expensive process, is softer, can scratch easier and may contain impurities. Cell cast acrylic is a higher quality acrylic and U.S. domestic cell cast is a good choice for applications that require the best. Imported cell cast acrylic is often manufactured to lesser standards.


specialty acrylic/methacrylic monomers offer enhanced adhesion in water and solvent-based architectural coatings. Acrylic monomers are versatile chemicals that have a strong ability to polymerize.


This unique attribute makes acrylic monomers ideal for manufacturing many different household, recreational, and industrial products. In fact, our acrylics go into the composition of flocculants, detergents, paints, inks, glues and adhesives and acrylic fibers, to name a few


*Not Shippable via Fed Ex or UPS


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Copper Crest by Kirin Global Supplies
Duncan L purchased: for 5 minutes ago.
Alex M purchased: for 16 minutes ago.
Paul W purchased: for 19 minutes ago.
Sam P purchased: for 27 minutes ago.